Publishing Principles

At, we take accuracy, transparency and serving our readers extremely seriously. We want you to understand the exacting standards and multi-layer policies we have in place that collectively shape how we research, assess, and recommend online casinos. Please read on for more details on our rigorous content philosophy and creation procedures.

Strict Fact Checking Process

Factual integrity serves as the crucial foundation for useful casino recommendations and overall reader trust over the long term. As such, we have mandated exhaustive fact checking requirements in place for all published reviews:

  • The editor assigned to initially research and assess a casino must thoroughly verify dozens of key details like bonuses, withdrawal terms, technical compatibility, game catalogs, licensing and other claims directly through the operator and a variety of accredited third party sources before writing initial drafts. They submit their documented reference notes from this comprehensive confirmation process for quality assurance purposes – preventing even inadvertent factual inaccuracies or subjective errors from ever reaching live reviews.
  • Those exhaustive reference notes then undergo scrutiny and sample-testing from our editor-in-chief (EIC) during initial draft analysis to double check accuracy. At this stage, if we notice even subtle inconsistencies with previous operator claims versus documented policies, terms and conditions from authoritative sources, we dig deeper through various additional verification channels rather than taking a single source at face value given frequent discrepancies.
  • Once drafts meet internal integrity criteria, they move to our fact checkers for line-by-line verification through both direct casino outreach and separate reputable industry sources unaffiliated with that operator. Reviews only proceed to final copy editing and publication after overcoming his stringent accountability barriers.
  • Finally – as no system prevents all inaccuracies – if we are ever alerted to any factual error, our public corrections policy dictates prompt updates across all affected pages. In rare cases where significant issues arise with a casino post-review, we temporarily suspend recommendation status until satisfactory explanations and reader protections get established.

Airtight Editorial Autonomy

Our sole aim is serving players, not maximizing retaliation from external corporate entities potentially funding operations through advertising purchases and affiliate commissions. We maintain complete transparency and independence around integrity:

  • Affiliate partnership status or ad buys have zero influence on whether editors ultimately recommend a casino or how rankings get determined. Financial ties do not impact evaluations – we do not make exceptions or guarantee inclusion even for platforms driving the most revenue. All face equal assessment against the same criteria.
  • External entities cannot dictate content changes or require edits as conditions for continued business relationships. We outright reject any agreements attempting to undermine objectivity. Direct operator payments do not shape recommendations made to readers. Our experiences produce conclusions – not other parties.
  • If any casino platform attempts incentivization of higher ratings either through direct payments or inflated affiliate commissions, we halt negotiations immediately and blacklist that operator from consideration. Positive endorsements cannot be bought through influence – readers deserve better and we recognize our higher commitment to ethical, socially responsible coverage catering to at-risk segments.

Team Backgrounds

Full transparency on our team’s combined expertise shapes your level of trust:

  • Editor-in-Chief Dana Nikolic has over 10 years writing for major gaming publications like GambleUSA and GambleGlimpse. She has evaluated over 500 real money online casinos during her tenure as lead editor and gambling expert.
  • Lead author Donna Dorsa has 15+ years focused solely on researching and analyzing casino game theory, odds, and both land-based and online casino operations. She applies three decades of gaming experience along with mathematical prowess to assess suitability and strategic play guidance around the games we review.

We come from diverse backgrounds but share a commitment to serve our readership. We hope explaining our principles and procedures has increased your confidence in the integrity of our guidance. Please reach out with any other questions!


  • Dana Nikolic

    Dana Nikolic is a veteran iGaming expert with over 10 years of experience testing and reviewing online casinos. She has written for publications such as Huffpost, Thrive Global , Newsbreak and Medium. She takes a meticulous approach to evaluating gaming sites, assessing critical factors like game variety, bonuses, customer support and withdrawal speeds. Leveraging her insider knowledge, Dana provides discerning casino reviews that highlight the top performers in the industry. She knows how to identify casinos that offer an exceptional overall experience. Dana also uncovers the best deals and bonuses to maximize player value. With a decade reviewing sites, she has stringent criteria for picking casinos that provide the most rewarding entertainment. More information about Dana on our about us page.

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